I Can Help You To Be YOUR BEST SELF.
Friday, March 4, 2011 at 8:00PM
Margo Meeker

You Only Have This One Life.

And living it to it’s fullest requires feeling your best! I love to help people of all ages from all walks of life LOVE who they are and ENJOY what they do each and every day of their lives!

"Being Your Best Self" Allows You To "Live Your Best Life!"

Why not THRIVE instead of just trying to survive? It’s a choice that we make with each thought and with each action we take every day!

I Love What I Do.

And I have the privilege of helping people to love what they do, and more importantly, to love who they are! How lucky am I?

“We all need some help now and then, it’s only natural.”

Life Comes At Us Fast. 

Seeking help is a sign of health, personal strength and character. It can be the crucial step to help you “be your best self”, providing you with self-understanding, problem resolution, healing and a renewed sense of purpose.

I Am Primarily Psychodynamic In My Orientation. What's That?

I use a positive, nonjudgmental, nurturing approach based on meeting the unique needs of my clients. My clients tell me that my professional strengths include providing a level of empathy, expertise and caring that create positive results.

I Am A Graduate of Columbia University and Licensed In Connecticut & New York State.

I have clinical experience working in hospitals, mental health clinics and private practice dealing with divorce, life transitions, personal crisis, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, relationship and family issues, infertility, trauma, grief and loss and issues of sexual identity, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues. I work with individuals, couples, adolescents, children and their families.

I Have Training In EMDR & Hypnotherapy. 

I have extensive training in Hypnotherapy through the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and in EMDR through the EMDR Institute. I also use cognitive behavioral therapy and other theories as needed. I help people thrive, not just survive, building on their strengths to create a joy-filled and purpose-full life.” Please call me today to set up a free consultation! I'm looking forward to speaking with you!

Read My Interviews in the Wall Street Journal:

"Remembering vs. Reliving 9/11"

On the ninth anniversary, 'creating a new normal'

I was interviewed in The Wall Street Journal regarding the psychological legacy of 9/11. To read the article, please click here.

"When The Value of Housing Ruins a Home"

Divorced couples are forced to co-habitate until the house sells - which in this market, might be a very long time.




Article originally appeared on Margo Meeker (http://margomeeker.com/).
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